
What can AI do for recruiters which standard automation cannot?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new buzzword, not without a reason though. AI is bringing phenomenal transformations across industries and recruitment can’t be far behind.  The recruitment function has been going through some level of automation but the use of technology was largely limited to basic workflow management. AI interventions can be transformational for recruiters. […]

Vocal and physical impersonation problem and how RiteHire is solving it.

With the rise of online interviews, candidate interview frauds are also on the rise. We at RiteHire conducted a survey to understand how many companies actually have the capabilities to detect candidate malpractice. The result was startling. A whopping 70% of the companies lack capabilities to detect candidate fraud during interviews. It essentially means a […]

How the recruitment function of HR can benefit from Ai-driven automation

From manufacturing to services and old economy to new economy, automation is slowly but surely taking over! The value proposition of automation is becoming increasingly compelling by the year. As we all know, automation was mainly limited to basic, repetitive and unintelligent processes hitherto. But automation is becoming more and more intelligent by the day. […]

Companies spend 50-60% of employee’s annual salary as hiring cost.

Hiring is a resource-intensive exercise. Companies spend significant time, effort and money to hire candidates. Unfortunately, hiring genuine and quality resources is becoming increasingly difficult for HR professionals, thanks to the new trend of online interview malpractice.A recent report in the Times of India highlights how online interview malpractices, especially voice impersonation where a proxy […]

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